Long Day - We should have stopped before San Francisco but no campgrounds could take us so we had to drive further
Two golden bears - bears in California
More TALL trees
Drive through tree - no the RV can not fit through it.
Amanda in a walk through tree
Amanda in front of a tree house
Amanda and Eric looking through the window in this tree house
Amanda - don't look so happy - inside a tree house
Eric on the stair case in the tree house
Eric in front of the a tree house
RV at Confusion Hill
Amanda and Eric in a wooden shoe
Amanda and Eric
On the train going up the hill - backwards
going through a tree
a windstorm and a tree - may the train rest in peace
Notice the tracks - only three - the center is used for both direction
Eric ringing the bell
Amanda ringing the bell
Eric and Amanda on the train
Amanda and Eric inside a downed tree
The drive through tree - No the RV could not drive through this tree
Eric and Amanda holding up the tree - NOT
We saw this on a street post - wow a Square Dance symbol on a main street
See setting in at a light and we noticed the Square Dance symbol
Heading south still - driving
About ready to cross the bay