Saturday, February 23, 2008

58th NSDC Pre-Con Saturday Night Dance

CJ and Amanda before the dancing and people arriving at the dance
Amanda helping getting a ribbon threaded
The kids helping out and making sure to sell the raffle tickets

The dance area
The kids selling raffle tickets

Friends : Lost --- & --- Found
Amanda pulled the ticket and this couple won the door price

Friday, February 22, 2008

58th NSDC Dinner - Fun - Amanda Singing

Amanda, Cheryl and Mom D before Dinner
Amanda looking at our table for the evening - we had to set the NSDC item onto the tables
Everybody has been seated - Mom D, Amanda, Cheryl
Amanda, Cheryl, and Mom D
Amanda, Cheryl, Jesse, Mom D
Jann Browne and Amanda

Jann Browne and Amanda singing together - singing Tell Me Why

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Harbor Tour and 58th NSDC Pre-Con

Amanda getting ready to board the boat
Mom D enjoying the wind
Sea Launch
Amanda a little cold
LA Harbor Seal

Notice the rocket is now up at the sea launch (on our return back)
Amanda enjoyed the boat ride
Cheryl and Amanda enjoying the dinner entertainment at the 58th NSDC Pre-Con Dinner

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Croakers Monthly Dance - February 2008

Amanda didn't dance today - to rest her ankle and knees
Jesse and the caller Phil
Jesse dancing

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Croakers Visitation

This was the group of Croakers that was visiting another club dance

Cheryl and Jesse dancing

Sunday, February 10, 2008

ORBA Weekend

Amanda help work at the CA4WDC booth at the ORBA show at Del Mar.
Amanda help sell tickets for this buggy
Tickets are being sold for this also
More shot of the booth
On of CA4WDC stickers

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Fixing the RV

I was finally fix the flat tire damage that we got from our summer vacation to Alaska – To see the photo from that trip – see the start in June and finished in July 2007.

The left one is the old – this is the cover on the bottom of the RV that protects the Black Water and Gray Water tanks. The new one is on the right
The Black Water tank is not normal – it has a push up area – but at least no leaks, which is a good thing.

Another view of the new vs the old.

I need to get additional parts Monday or Tuesday, and then I could install the new one.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

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