Sunday, March 22, 2009

Drive Home from Bakersfield

The drive up the grapevine – weather does not look goodIMG_9324 Yes – if you look closely, that is snow falling at the Frasier Park exit – while we are eating lunch.IMG_2750

Looking up it is snowing!IMG_2753 But as we are approaching LA the weather look good and sunny.IMG_9331

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dancing and Frisbee

Amanda resting during the square dancing – one of a few of the pictures of us dancing this weekend.IMG_3520 Jesse throwing the Frisbee for Turquoise and Zircon IMG_2656 Turquoise caught the FrisbeeIMG_2662 Turquoise and Zircon trying to return the Frisbee together.IMG_2674


Zircon is not liking Turquoise help with the FrisbeeIMG_2733

Friday, March 20, 2009

Heading to and Relaxing at Bakersfield

Yellow in the hills around GormanIMG_9319 Purple at the base of the GrapevineIMG_9321 Playing catch with the dogsIMG_2585

Jesse about ready to fling the ball for the dogsIMG_2605

Jesse is trying to get the ball from ZirconIMG_2615

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Another Day at Yvonne’s Place

Jesse is digging the sprinkler pipes.IMG_1732 Trying to prepare to get the pipes to go under the driveway.IMG_1739

The pipe collar – where the two sprinkler lines will run through it – under the driveway.IMG_1770

Cheryl cleaning the ditch where a sprinkler line will be.IMG_1859Jesse is trying to start with the water pick.IMG_1903 Started the process to go under the driveway.IMG_1926

Eric is trying to move the water along.IMG_2074

Driving the pipe under the driveway.IMG_2083

Eric is being told what to do next.IMG_2104

Eric and Cheryl covering the sprinkler line.IMG_2311Cheryl watching Jesse moving more dirt.IMG_2427 Cheryl is digging a the lawn edge.IMG_2526

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Worked on Yvonne’s Yard

Sweeping some of the dirt off…IMG_1469Yvonne, Cheryl, Jesse watching the work being done.IMG_1540

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Attending the March Dawgs Meeting

We attended the Dawgs monthly meeting - but this one was at the Spaghetti Factory

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